The Importance of Outside Training

I know there are many of you out there that may not agree with this position, but I feel this is something firefighters and more importantly fire chiefs need to hear. A little background on this article is needed. I was promoted to an officer role early in my career as a firefighter. The captain […]

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The Fire Asylum Movie

The Fire Asylum Movie Many of you may have recalled an article I wrote earlier last year about the Fire Asylum training. Well some great news has occurred this week, The Fire Asylum Movie was released on Amazon. If you really want to understand more about this unique training, you really should watch the movie!  […]

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My PTSD Journey

So I have really never considered I have had PTSD, but some of the symptoms have been coming more evident as the years go by. I had started to notice I was a different person that what I can remember of myself before the start in public safety. I have always been a champion of […]

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My PTSD Journey Part 2

My PTSD Journey – Part 2 So I have to be honest with you, I’ve had thoughts of suicide. Now, I haven’t talked much about because I was embarrassed about it, frankly. Now this hasn’t been all the time and it usually comes up when I haven’t had the best sleep or during points of […]

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The Business of Fire & EMS

There has been a lot of talk lately of privatization of either fire service, EMS, or both in some communities. The thing about this choice to do so is that communities will suffer if the choose to do so. Why, do you ask? Because firefighting and even EMS is not a sustainable business model. There […]

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